Holistic Approach to Retirement Planning

Our organization prides itself on taking a holistic approach when providing full-service retirement planning across the USA. First and foremost, no matter what stage of retirement you are in, planning, approaching, or in retirement, our services will educate you on the complexities of you unique retirement system – and it is all done free of charge.​There are many personal financial decisions that you will make throughout your life, both small and large and we will guide you so that you do not unknowingly miss potential opportunities that have a lasting impact.​ Most advisors will often skip the holistic approach to financial planning, due to the countless hours of research necessary, to focus on a one-size-fits-all agenda which results in overlooking important details of your retirement system. We’ve taken the time on the front end to meticulously breakdown retirement systems​ and understand that specific knowledge of a client’s retirement system is needed in order to plan properly. This is ​one of our main differentiating factors, along with many others.

Through our planning process, you’ll be confident that you have given careful consideration to your unique retirement situation, asset allocation and risk assessment, income and legacy planning, and tax strategies. Here are the steps we take to review your retirement strategy

Fact and Feeling Finding

We have developed a consultation that encompasses thought-provoking questions about your retirement knowledge and how you feel about it. We commonly begin our first conversation by educating you on how your unique retirement system works best within your individual circumstances.

Topics that will be covered include:

  • Calculating your net pension, which includes deductions
  • Creating a budget/ how much income will be needed in retirement
  • Deciding the optimal date to retire
  • Strategizing sick and vacation time
  • Determining when to receive your Social Security benefits
  • Analyzing your benefits ranging from health insurance to life insurance
  • 401(k)/Deferred Compensation analysis and distribution
  • Debt and Asset analysis
  • Tax Qualifications and types of accounts
  • The SECURE Act
  • Roth Conversation
  • Many others…


Then, with a deep understanding of your goals and objectives, we craft and present a holistic plan on how to best achieve those goals and objectives. Your takeaway from this step will be an insightful breakdown of your unique retirement situation. At this time, we usually assist you with filling out paperwork suc​h as your retirement application, filing for Social Security if necessary, Medicare, etc.


If we see an opportunity to improve your circumstance, we will make that recommendation and outline a clear process to do so. We only suggest making changes when and if there are several factors that would benefit your best interest. If your situation is already perfect and there’s noroom for improvement, then we will be happy to serve as confirmation of that, and we just ask that you pass on our contact information so we can help the next person. Everybody we’ve ever spoken to has learned something valuable from us.

Ongoing Relationship

Our work together isn’t over once we have completed the retirement planning process. We’ll assist in continuously working toward your long-term goals and objectives and help you monitor your financial progress. And whether you choose to work with us or not, we recommend that you continue to use us as a resource moving forward for all of your retirement and financial questions and concerns, we’re here to help.